Outbreak of the war
End of the war

“Indivisible and inseparable”, book cover, 1917

The cover comes from“Unteilbar und Untrennbar. The history of the great world war with particular account of Austria-Hungary”, published in Vienna 1917.

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  • Chapter

    "Greater German", "Smaller German" or "German National"?

    The German National camp was made up of different competing groups and parties that referred to themselves, depending on ideological position, as "Greater German", "Pan-German", "Smaller German", "Nationalist", "German Nationalist", "German-Austrian" etc.



  • Chapter

    "German and loyal, outright and true"

    The defeat of Austria by the Prussians at the Battle of Königgrätz in 1866 and the subsequent withdrawal of the Habsburg Monarchy from the German Federation led to a major regrouping within the German National camp.

  • Chapter

    Antisemitism as a political movement

    The decline of political liberalism towards the end of the 19th century was accompanied by a surge of anti-Semitic movements. In Vienna, anti-Semitism manifested itself at political level in two competing directions: in German-National and Christian-Social anti-Semitism.