Outbreak of the war
End of the war
Sitz des Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchivs im Wiener Gasometer

Copyright: Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv


Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv – City and State Archive of Vienna

The City and State Archive of Vienna (MA8) keeps and collects, preserves and develops, edits and presents documents, records, autographs, publications, maps and photographs from and on Vienna. The over 50,000 metres of shelf space preserve treasures like the will of Ludwig van Beethoven, the legacy documents of Wolfgang  Amadeus Mozart or Otto Wagner’s designs for the redesign of the City of Vienna. These papers and documents not only record the memory of prominent people, outstanding achievements and political events, they also offer an approach to history as a continuous succession of countless individual fates and everyday occurrences. Thus, since the Middle Ages, the basis for the securing of legal matters as well as historical knowledge is ensured. 

As the archive for the Viennese authorities, the preserved documents mirror the acts of administration of the City. Especially the mass records of the 20th century still hold buried treasures and await their unearthing. Any records concerning people are available for scientific research only due to data privacy laws. 


Monday to Friday: from 9 am to 3.30 pm
Thursday:  from 9 am to 7 pm

Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv
Gasometer D, Guglgasse 14
1110 Wien