Schloss Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsges.m.b.H.
Imperial attractions – visitor magnets
Schönbrunn Palace is one of the most renowned Baroque complexes in Europe. Since separating from the State Administration in 1992, the financial means for preserving and revitalising the palace derive exclusively from self-generated revenue. The operating company Schloss Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsges.m.b.H. (SKB) has managed to increase turnover continuously since its starting operations and has made the World Heritage Site into Austria’s number one tourist attraction.
Since separating from the Federal Administration in 1992, the Schloss Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsges.m.b.H., through tactful and customer-friendly commercial utilisation, has had the task of generating the financial means for the preservation and revitalisation of Schönbrunn Palace without any support from outside. Because of its immediate success, the Republic of Austria issued a lease contract in 1994 for the Imperial Apartments in the Vienna Hofburg, in 1995 the Imperial Silver Collection, also in the Hofburg, and in 1998 the Imperial Hofmobiliendepot – the Imperial Furniture Collection on Mariahilferstrasse in Vienna’s seventh district.
Throughout all activities, priority is given to taking the greatest possible care of the historic substance. The management is keen to achieve a sensitive integration of modern tourism structures when implementing options relating to culture, tourism and leisure activities. The Schloss Schönbrunn GmbH bases its management of thousands of daily visitors on the best possible service and security. This is supported by an electronic ticketing system and – unique in Europe – a training programme for the staff, currently numbering 231 people.
Information on the individual attractions:
Schönbrunn Palace: http://www.schoenbrunn.at/en.html
Hofburg - Imperial Apartments, Sisi Museum & Silver Collection: http://www.hofburg-wien.at/en.html
Hofmobiliendepot - Imperial Furniture Collection: http://www.hofmobiliendepot.at/en.html
Children's Programmes: http://www.kaiserkinder.at/sprachen/english.html