Outbreak of the war
End of the war

Meanwhile the government had noticed that little flour was available

‘Meanwhile the government had noticed that little flour was available, the flour stocks were used up, and soon one would have to acknowledge that one would soon have to eat mostly corn bread, there were troubles with the provision of bread in the city, I myself went – I didn’t have to, as I had enough bread at home – to 6 different, large bakers in the inner city, and was unable to drum up anything resembling bread, only a little piece of […] bread and bakeries and wagons were stormed in the suburbs, in short, it looked rather threatening. That sorted itself out, we did get bread, if only at an extraordinary price. In a few days bread coupons (combined with flour coupons) will also be handed out.’

Diary entry by Julie Söllner on March 8, 1915, Dokumentation lebensgeschichtlicher Aufzeichnungen, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Wien