Outbreak of the war
End of the war

Well meant advice, caricature from Der Floh, issue of 16 July 1899

The caricature shows that Bertha von Suttner and the god of war Mars, a thin, sickly boy between them. Mars takes the boy under his chin and says: “You see, Madame, that all the peace doctors cannot help the boy. Follow me, put the boy into a cadet school and we’ll make a healthy lad out of him.”

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    Alfred H. Fried and the peace movement during the war – censorship and derision

    When the First World War broke out in July 1914, Alfred H. Fried wrote the following lines in the August/September 1914 issue of his pacifist magazine Friedens-Warte: “In the spirit of Clausewitz, we can say that war is the continuation of peace work, but with other means. […]. For decades we have been carrying out dedicated work to achieve this goal, gladly devoting our energies to it. We can say with a clear conscience that we have done our duty. We have not suffered a defeat, as our opponents triumphantly claim.”